Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Soundwaves

    TEST DRIVE THE 2003 LeDION... By now you're already as familiar as you wanna be with the 2003 Chrysler LeDion, formerly known as Celine Dion....

  • Band in Motion

    Bandmates: Clockwise from top: Conductor Scott Barker, Matt Swearman, Eddie Banks, Anja Maguire, Jodi Hains, Kim Webb, and Marc Martin-ez. (Photo by Michael Wichita )...

  • State of Amusement

    With the brilliant Bernie Mac as his secret weapon, Chris Rock takes satirical aim at American politics and wins big. Running mates: Rock and Mac...

  • Reality Bites

    You can confront a troubling world, or make jubilant musical escapes from it -- all are fine options. He's the Man: Goodwin Playwright Edward Albee's...

  • Detraction Factor

    Flawed design elements keep a well-sung Mozart favorite from reaching its full potential of pleasure You have to give The Washington Opera credit for approaching...

  • Career Move

    The logic goes something like this: Gay men love theatre, and gay men love porn, so if you take gay-porn stars and put them on...

  • Shipwrecked

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with Boat Trip. Nothing that an overhauled script and a different director couldn't have fixed. Talk about a comedy of...

  • Nifty History

    A Revolutionary musical shines at Ford's -- a much better bet than WSC's disjointed Henry V Freedom fighters: GrahamRowat, Huddleston and ClealePhoto by Stan Barouh...

  • Feelin' Groovy

    The Gay Men's Chorus packed in as much of the psychedelic '60s as it could for its latest concert Dudes of the decade The Gay...

  • Soundwaves

    NOW IT CAN BE TOLD… In our long wait as the Oscar jury deliberated about pronouncing Chicago last year's best movie, practically every news outlet...

  • Lots of Love

    (Photo by Michael Wichita) ''People are connecting more to this music than they have to any music we've ever done,'' says Jeff Buhrman, artistic director...

  • Bad Dream

    Dreamcatcher aims to be a serious horror flick, but instead becomes an overwrought snooze fest No dream: Lewis meets the alien If you're feeling generous,...

  • Chicago Bound?

    As Oscar night nears, our critic offers up his picks for what should win and what will win 75th Annual Academy AwardsSunday, 8:30 p.m.ABC Look,...

  • Nothing to Fear

    Jim Grimsley's purported ''thriller'' doesn't -- you'll do better going for laughs while Busch's Tale is still in town Domestic disturbance:Glover and Gordon Photo: Trumpet...

  • Soundwaves

    QUEER AS PITT... Pittsburgh -- or what passes for it on Showtime -- wants to teach D.C. a thing or two about nightlife. Plans are...