Ani DiFranco There's no business like show business. Unless you're Ani DiFranco, in which case you'd probably fire your agent for even suggesting such...
Romantic virgin: Cohn (Photo by Scott Suchman) Cabaret meets Pacific Overtures in Privates on Parade, the 25th anniversary season opener for The Studio Theatre....
There's a gem of a new musical to be found at Alexandria's MetroStage right now -- Three Sistahs, featuring the positively crackerjack trio of Crysta...
DJ Chris Cox Provocative Trance Provocative Music/Capitol Records DJ Dave Dresden Provocative Progressive Provocative Music/Capitol Records What, precisely, is trance? Or progressive? It's hard to...
Nuclear Family: Reese, Harris, Frith and McGinn (Photo by Carol Pratt ) Even if you've seen productions of What the Butler Saw, the final...
Is the story of Washington, D.C. -- the quirks, flaws and distinctions that transcend the standard image projected day in and day out by the...
All wet: Bradford. You know that commercial where two girls wax idiotically about how good their yogurt is? Let's imagine for a moment they...
The Riddler Dance Mix NYC -- Vol. 2 Tommy Boy Records Alcazar Casino E-Magine/RCA It takes hubris to be a DJ, obviously. The Riddler is...
Glittering: Cockette Dusty Dawn (center). John Waters puts it best. ''They were the first kind of, like, bearded drag queens -- hippie, weird, freak drag...
Two on the Twelfth: Sutton and Twyford (Photo by Stan Barouh ) Has enough time passed since the horror of September 11 that the terrorists'...
Andy Stochansky, despite his strengths, falls squarely into the dreaded ''...but he sucks live'' category. His recent stint at the Iota Café in Clarendon can...
Lord I was born a wrestling man: Tweel and Fry. (Photo by Ian Armstrong) Generally speaking, processed meat is not a subject for close...
Adultry, anyone?: Aniston. There is a moment in The Good Girl involving blackberries that comes as a complete shock, in part because it depicts a...
Grooms with a View: Dan and Gregg. (Photo courtesy of Bravo) As far as guilty pleasures go, mine don't get much guiltier than The Disney...
Big Mama: Fierstein Well, praise the gods of Broadway. The fantastic buzz on Hairspray, the latest musical to hit the boards on the Great...