Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Five Star Album

    Andy Stochansky, despite his strengths, falls squarely into the dreaded ''...but he sucks live'' category. His recent stint at the Iota Café in Clarendon can...

  • Good Eats

    Lord I was born a wrestling man: Tweel and Fry. (Photo by Ian Armstrong)      Generally speaking, processed meat is not a subject for close...

  • Girl Trouble

    Adultry, anyone?: Aniston. There is a moment in The Good Girl involving blackberries that comes as a complete shock, in part because it depicts a...

  • Pomp and Circumstance

    Grooms with a View: Dan and Gregg. (Photo courtesy of Bravo) As far as guilty pleasures go, mine don't get much guiltier than The Disney...

  • Broadway Beauty

    Big Mama: Fierstein      Well, praise the gods of Broadway. The fantastic buzz on Hairspray, the latest musical to hit the boards on the Great...

  • Soundwaves

    Hex Hector Remixology Ultra Records DJ Encore DJ Encore Presents Ultra.Dance 02 Ultra Records During a live DJ performance, Hex Hector tends toward familiar songs,...

  • Double Down

    The twin lesbians from Canada have some interesting angles -- they're twins, they're lesbians, they're Canadian. Unfortunately, If It Was You (Vapor), a mishmash of...

  • Diesel Engine

    A star is shorn: Diesel      We have, I suppose, Steven Spielberg to thank for the recent booming career of Vin Diesel. Had the director...

  • Soundwaves

    Marc Anthony Mended Columbia Paulina Rubio Border Girl Universal A border girl won't get very far el norte by emulating Mariah Carey. Fortunately, Paulina ''Golden...

  • Lustrously Independent

    The first shot of Luster, which plays this Friday, August 16 as part of the Reel Affirmations Xtra series, depicts a mass of artfully entwined...

  • Well-Deserved Break

    Beth Orton Not that it matters, but Beth Orton is huge. Six feet tall, to be exact. Being tall may have bolstered Uma Thurman's career...

  • Final Examination

    Little Lady: Blair Brown as Desiree (Photo by Joan Marcus)      Settle down, class. Our summer session in Sondheim analysis isn't over just yet. But...

  • Unsettling Signs

    Signs is not the movie you think it is. No matter what you think you may have gleaned from the film's previews (on television almost...

  • Striking Discord

    Scott Fortier as The Son. (Photo by Fredde Lieberman)      ''A work of art dealing with the night, especially a dreamy, pensive composition for the...

  • Fifth and Counting

    Counting Crows Gotta love it. As the rest of us suffer because of our intrinsic fears of commitment, Adam Duritz is making millions off of...