Metro Weekly


  • All My Sons

    Few playwrights possess the ability to stimulate, provoke and bewilder an audience as well as British firebrand Caryl Churchill. Her plays are muddy, mutable forces...

  • Imitation of Life

    You may have heard by now that it's a play about many things. It's a play about Christians depicting the enduring passion play and the...

  • Love and Marriage

    Jess Goldstein must have a thing for leather. His stylized visions of Iago and Othello as two Italian studs bedecked in long, shiny leather jackets...

  • History's Lessons

    When Moisés Kaufman cobbled together all of the manuscripts, poems, witness testimony, biographical accounts and fictional literature that culminates in Gross Indecency: The Three Trials...

  • Pee Town

    Let's get this out of the way right up front: Urinetown is not what you think it is. Despite whatever tawdry, profane images your mind...

  • Manipulations

    ''La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid.'' Before Dorothy Parker, there was Pierre Choderlos de LaClos, and his 1782 novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses...

  • Royally Wronged

    For many ancient cultures and aboriginal tribes, worshipping the sun as a sovereign deity was as natural to life as eating grain and breathing in...

  • Follicle Follies

    Big Fun, Hon: The cast of Hairspray If big, bright, near-burlesque, singing, dancing, toe-tapping, knee-slapping, hair-hopping, infectiously giddy Broadway musicals aren't your thing, then steer...

  • A Perfect Mess

    For the record, it really doesn't matter if you don't speak Portuguese -- you'll still understand the gist of Matilde's jokes in The Clean House,...

  • Circular Logic

    On paper, Bertolt Brecht's plays don't always settle well. Generally his works read like a gravelly stew simmered with tough hunks of meat and not...

  • Getting a Woody

    Everyone knows Woody Allen, whether you realize it or not. And whether you want to admit it or not, he's a pretty funny guy. Despite...

  • Unlucky Charms

    They don't call it the Land of Ire for nothing. While the stereotype of redheaded leprechauns with a short fuse chugging brew at the end...

  • He Sang, She Sang

    Anyone who has survived a devastating breakup or divorce can relate to The Last Five Years, a veritable ''he said, she said'' of events that...

  • Wilde Party

    She's quite a vision, this mysterious lady in red. And sweeping into the ball with a smile threatening to part her pursed lips, you'd never...

  • Male Bonding

    Finally, Father really does know best. It takes a piece of theater all the way from Down Under to at last depict a healthy, loving...