Few playwrights possess the ability to stimulate, provoke and bewilder an audience as well as British firebrand Caryl Churchill. Her plays are muddy, mutable forces...
You may have heard by now that it's a play about many things. It's a play about Christians depicting the enduring passion play and the...
Jess Goldstein must have a thing for leather. His stylized visions of Iago and Othello as two Italian studs bedecked in long, shiny leather jackets...
When Moisés Kaufman cobbled together all of the manuscripts, poems, witness testimony, biographical accounts and fictional literature that culminates in Gross Indecency: The Three Trials...
Let's get this out of the way right up front: Urinetown is not what you think it is. Despite whatever tawdry, profane images your mind...
''La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid.'' Before Dorothy Parker, there was Pierre Choderlos de LaClos, and his 1782 novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses...
For many ancient cultures and aboriginal tribes, worshipping the sun as a sovereign deity was as natural to life as eating grain and breathing in...
Big Fun, Hon: The cast of Hairspray If big, bright, near-burlesque, singing, dancing, toe-tapping, knee-slapping, hair-hopping, infectiously giddy Broadway musicals aren't your thing, then steer...
For the record, it really doesn't matter if you don't speak Portuguese -- you'll still understand the gist of Matilde's jokes in The Clean House,...
On paper, Bertolt Brecht's plays don't always settle well. Generally his works read like a gravelly stew simmered with tough hunks of meat and not...
Everyone knows Woody Allen, whether you realize it or not. And whether you want to admit it or not, he's a pretty funny guy. Despite...
They don't call it the Land of Ire for nothing. While the stereotype of redheaded leprechauns with a short fuse chugging brew at the end...
Anyone who has survived a devastating breakup or divorce can relate to The Last Five Years, a veritable ''he said, she said'' of events that...
She's quite a vision, this mysterious lady in red. And sweeping into the ball with a smile threatening to part her pursed lips, you'd never...
Finally, Father really does know best. It takes a piece of theater all the way from Down Under to at last depict a healthy, loving...