For many ancient cultures and aboriginal tribes, worshipping the sun as a sovereign deity was as natural to life as eating grain and breathing in...
Big Fun, Hon: The cast of Hairspray If big, bright, near-burlesque, singing, dancing, toe-tapping, knee-slapping, hair-hopping, infectiously giddy Broadway musicals aren't your thing, then steer...
For the record, it really doesn't matter if you don't speak Portuguese -- you'll still understand the gist of Matilde's jokes in The Clean House,...
On paper, Bertolt Brecht's plays don't always settle well. Generally his works read like a gravelly stew simmered with tough hunks of meat and not...
Everyone knows Woody Allen, whether you realize it or not. And whether you want to admit it or not, he's a pretty funny guy. Despite...
They don't call it the Land of Ire for nothing. While the stereotype of redheaded leprechauns with a short fuse chugging brew at the end...
Anyone who has survived a devastating breakup or divorce can relate to The Last Five Years, a veritable ''he said, she said'' of events that...
She's quite a vision, this mysterious lady in red. And sweeping into the ball with a smile threatening to part her pursed lips, you'd never...
Finally, Father really does know best. It takes a piece of theater all the way from Down Under to at last depict a healthy, loving...
Once upon a time -- roughly 150 years ago -- there were ''Advantages of Floating in the Middle of the Sea,'' as Stephen Sondheim's opening...
So baseball has finally returned its home plate to Washington, D.C. Leave it to the patently savvy leadership of The Studio Theatre to capitalize on...
Just so we're clear, The Colorado Catechism is not a comedy. Yes, there are moments of humor, and yes, there are a few witty exchanges...
So you think you know Electra? You may recall Sophocles' intricate version of the Greek tragedy, the bloodbath where Electra, born to King Agamemnon and...
No matter how hard you squeeze a lemon, it will never yield luscious wine. Neither red wine, nor white, no Chardonnay, Zinfandel, or blush. The...
Arguably, nobody needs a good laugh these days as much as the gay community. Help is on the way. As part of its ongoing ''Laugh...