Red-checkered tablecloths, bottles of wine, oil and vinegar, fistfuls of pasta, big hair, bigger passion, short skirts and thick gold chains. This is Joe Banno's...
What if we could somehow rearrange and sort through the private history of our families, reorganizing and reshaping the personal, intimate lives of our parents?...
In the beginning, there was Stephen Schwartz. In the 1970s he created the bright and bubbly musicals Pippin and Godspell. In the 1990s he wrote...
''I started out as a queer comic -- still am. But then I started doing one-person shows. And they got attention and it raised my...
William Finn has known some pretty eclectic characters in his lifetime, and the prominent composer/lyricist writes about their lives -- not the circumstances of their...
''There aren't a lot of shows you can do with a group of one hundred twenty five men,'' says Jeff Buhrman, Artistic Director of the...
One of the most significant moments in the Shakespearean canon comes at the end of King Henry IV, Part 2 when the newly-crowned Henry V...
Few words in the English language possess the inherent, unwieldy power to incite black Americans with such intense divisiveness and fervor as two simple, unassuming...
Gay is funny. And he'd better be, seeing that he's the host of 14th Street's big gay comedy night. D.B. Gay is among a burgeoning...
Before August 1998, before President Clinton ordered the United States to retaliate against a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan by bombing the city of Kabul, and before the...
The second act of Melissa James Gibson's opens with Babette (Susan Lynskey) discussing her novel with her agent. ''It's about 20th century screams, ''...
It's 1911. Seth and Bertha Holly (Randall Shepperd and Lynn Chavis) run a modest boarding house in Pittsburgh where guests stay as long as they...
Galy Gay is having an identity crisis. Once a sweet, docile family man and dutiful dock worker, he suddenly finds himself among an unlikely...
Looking Over the President's Shoulder, a one-man show about the first African-American chief butler at the White House, brims with ironies. From 1931 to 1953,...
Baby, it's cold outside. And inside. Especially in Pine City, Minnesota, the fictional town where playwright Craig Wright loves to frame his eccentric, involved stories...