Metro Weekly


  • Brooklyn Brouhaha

    Red-checkered tablecloths, bottles of wine, oil and vinegar, fistfuls of pasta, big hair, bigger passion, short skirts and thick gold chains. This is Joe Banno's...

  • Lovely Ladies

    What if we could somehow rearrange and sort through the private history of our families, reorganizing and reshaping the personal, intimate lives of our parents?...

  • Garden Variety

    In the beginning, there was Stephen Schwartz. In the 1970s he created the bright and bubbly musicals Pippin and Godspell. In the 1990s he wrote...

  • Quest for Fame

    ''I started out as a queer comic -- still am. But then I started doing one-person shows. And they got attention and it raised my...

  • Merry Mourning

    William Finn has known some pretty eclectic characters in his lifetime, and the prominent composer/lyricist writes about their lives -- not the circumstances of their...

  • Kissing to be Clever

    ''There aren't a lot of shows you can do with a group of one hundred twenty five men,'' says Jeff Buhrman, Artistic Director of the...

  • Regal Stature

    One of the most significant moments in the Shakespearean canon comes at the end of King Henry IV, Part 2 when the newly-crowned Henry V...

  • True Colors

    Few words in the English language possess the inherent, unwieldy power to incite black Americans with such intense divisiveness and fervor as two simple, unassuming...

  • Humor Us

    Gay is funny. And he'd better be, seeing that he's the host of 14th Street's big gay comedy night. D.B. Gay is among a burgeoning...

  • Hide and Seek

    Before August 1998, before President Clinton ordered the United States to retaliate against a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan by bombing the city of Kabul, and before the...

  • Language Barrier

    The second act of Melissa James Gibson's opens with Babette (Susan Lynskey) discussing her novel with her agent. ''It's about 20th century screams, ''...

  • Heartbreak Hotel

    It's 1911. Seth and Bertha Holly (Randall Shepperd and Lynn Chavis) run a modest boarding house in Pittsburgh where guests stay as long as they...

  • Blemished Brecht

         Galy Gay is having an identity crisis. Once a sweet, docile family man and dutiful dock worker, he suddenly finds himself among an unlikely...

  • History's Witness

    Looking Over the President's Shoulder, a one-man show about the first African-American chief butler at the White House, brims with ironies. From 1931 to 1953,...

  • Winter's Wonders

    Baby, it's cold outside. And inside. Especially in Pine City, Minnesota, the fictional town where playwright Craig Wright loves to frame his eccentric, involved stories...