Scott Fortier as The Son. (Photo by Fredde Lieberman) ''A work of art dealing with the night, especially a dreamy, pensive composition for the...
The 1994 musical Passion is an exquisite examination of romantic desire turned into destructive obsession, and it's replete with some of composer Stephen Sondheim's most...
Multiple personalities: The Laramie Project cast. (Photo by Stan Barouh) Theatre as documentary. As investigation. As memorial. As catharsis. As condemnation. As redemption. ...
I have to wonder if the praise the Broadway musical adaptation of the British film The Full Monty has earned is really about critics and...
Elton John is no Andrew Lloyd Webber. Now, that can be taken as criticism or compliment, but it's an unavoidable comparison when composer John's name...
Three's Company: Esparza, Hayden and Shor (photo Joan Marcus) A story with a happy ending, but it has to be told in reverse chronological...
Elsewhere across the Potomac, American Century Theater is also represented with a revival of Danny and Sylvia, the musical it premiered earlier this season...
Familiar Territory: Rauscher and Dolliver with Karen Shotts. Let us consider the art of imitation. More specifically, the ''art'' of imitating beloved...
Loving the Wendy MacLeod play The House of Yes and its subsequent film adaptation, I knew deep inside my bones that MacLeod's satirical black...
The Diaries Does it take all the bells and whistles Arena Stage gave Tom Walker last season to make a new John...
If you've ever enjoyed a recorded Mandy Patinkin vocal performance, but have never seen him live, you should definitely try to snag a seat for...
Judging from the likes of Terra Nova, The Crackwalker, and now David Rabe's In the Boom Boom Room, the emerging professionals of Project Y Theatre...
Runaway Brides: Norris, Jacobson and Biggs What's not to love about Big Love? Not a thing, I'm ecstatic to say. Avant-garde playwright Charles...
The Helen Hayes, Washington's theatre awards, were handed out in a gala ceremony this past Monday, May 9, at the Warner Theatre.