Metro Weekly


  • Mundane Musical

         Elsewhere across the Potomac, American Century Theater is also represented with a revival of Danny and Sylvia, the musical it premiered earlier this season...

  • Rear View Mirror

    Familiar Territory: Rauscher and Dolliver with Karen Shotts.      Let us consider the art of imitation. More specifically, the ''art'' of imitating beloved...

  • Go Figure

         Loving the Wendy MacLeod play The House of Yes and its subsequent film adaptation, I knew deep inside my bones that MacLeod's satirical black...

  • Back in Time

    The Diaries      Does it take all the bells and whistles Arena Stage gave Tom Walker last season to make a new John...

  • Go Go-Go

    Judging from the likes of Terra Nova, The Crackwalker, and now David Rabe's In the Boom Boom Room, the emerging professionals of Project Y Theatre...

  • Love It

    Runaway Brides: Norris, Jacobson and Biggs What's not to love about Big Love? Not a thing, I'm ecstatic to say. Avant-garde playwright Charles...

  • All By Himself

    If you've ever enjoyed a recorded Mandy Patinkin vocal performance, but have never seen him live, you should definitely try to snag a seat for...

  • Helen Hayes Awards hosted by Tyne Daly

    The Helen Hayes, Washington's theatre awards, were handed out in a gala ceremony this past Monday, May 9, at the Warner Theatre.