The legendary icon on A John Waters Christmas, his book collection, his parents, and why it's going to be so hard to beat Trump
Second City's She the People is a full-scale comic outrage at everything society expects of women
"Murder on the Orient Express" is a stilted rendering of one of the great mystery writer's most transporting tales
"The Woman in Black" owes much to old-fashioned stagecraft, but it takes its time getting where it's going
A seamless lead performance is just one of many revelations in Round House's "The Curious Incident"
Mozart was "a pretty interesting, different kind of guy," says the star of Folger's 'Amadeus.'
What's behind the massive Christmas tree dress for the GMCW Holiday Show
Better danced than sung, Olney's "Singin' in the Rain" brings the beloved film classic to life on stage
Factory 449 puts forth an impassioned, if occasionally overwrought, "Agnes of God"
Folger's "Amadeus" offers an entertaining flight of historical fancy in the fictitious battle of Salieri v. Mozart.
Everything is beautiful at Signature's high-kicking production of "A Chorus Line"
Rainbow Theatre Project's production of "Blue Camp" doesn't deliver the play's compelling premise
Playwright Bob Bartlett reimagines the queer classic Edward II as a modern scandal of sex, lies, and video
Mosaic's Theory slices through P.C. culture and progressive piety, but could use a sharper blade
Christian Montgomery and a bloodthirsty plant lead a stunning ensemble in Constellation's delightful "Little Shop of Horrors"