Metro Weekly


  • Southern Comfort

    Welcome back to the Chinquapin Parish of Steel Magnolias. Nothing's changed in this neck of the woods in Louisiana since the last time you were...

  • Courting Controversy

    Gino Tassara has learned the hard way: A gay play can be a tough sell. ''I was thinking it would be very easy to produce...

  • Art and Artifice

    Could it be time for a Candy Darling revival? It's been 37 years since her death due to leukemia -- and the Andy Warhol-associated starlet's...

  • Bird Watching

    Right now, a play about gay penguins -- and more broadly, gay marriage -- is playing at a small, relatively new theater in Fairfax County....

  • Rock Out

    I know what you're thinking. A jukebox musical with cheesy rock and noisy hair metal from the '80s? Starring Constantine Maroulis, an American Idol also-ran...

  • Pounding Flesh

    Even considered as tragicomedy, The Merchant of Venice is an awfully dreary affair. The tale is dominated by the Jewish moneylender, Shylock, who is reviled...

  • Normalcy

    Next to Wicked right now at the Kennedy Center is Next to Normal. But the two musicals could hardly be further apart on the spectrum...

  • Wicked Ways

    Wicked is as Wicked does. Which is to say, Wicked does whatever it wants to, thank you very much. And if you don't like it,...

  • Peruvian Struggle

    It might sound silly or superficial, but you just might fall in love with actor and dancer José Manuel Ozuna-Báez, who's starring in GALA Hispanic...

  • Fur Flurry

    Ah, the tyranny of the audition room. If you've never been privy to the emotionally grueling ritual to which actors – if they're lucky enough...

  • Psychotic Edge

    ''After one of the performances, someone asked, 'You do this a lot?''' That's a typical response Christopher Gillespie is getting playing a woman in Dominion...

  • Restless Knight

    There are two ways to consider Synetic's humorously sincere Don Quixote. The first is for those who have yet to sample the strange and wonderful...

  • Queen Machines

    There's no ABBA turd in the Broadway version of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. In fact, in transporting Stephan Elliott's beloved 1994 film to the...

  • Candy Land

    ''The work should be work,'' admonishes playwright-director Robert O'Hara's semi-autobiographical avatar in Bootycandy, a collection of 10 short plays receiving a snazzy, saucy world-premiere production...

  • Question Time

    Simple of premise and yet utterly engaging, mysterious and provocative, Harold Pinter's Old Times is a beautifully crafted play, the kind of work one might...