Flowing with the rhythm and energy of well-tuned invective, Luis Alfaro's Oedipus el Rey brings an urban vibe to Sophocles' ancient and tragic tale of...
This weekend and next, Clay Comer plays a gay porn star at the DC Arts Center. '' is 6-foot-5, a young, incredibly beautiful, incredibly...
Luis Alfaro got turned on to the theater when he was 15 as part of community service -- literally. ''I actually got arrested for shoplifting...
Julie Goldman got turned on to standup comedy by one of her teachers at temple. ''Oh my god,'' she recalls thinking, ''I can write my...
Aladdin doesn't appear in Mary Zimmerman's The Arabian Nights. Neither does Sinbad the Sailor. Both fairy tales weren't originally part of the stories of Scheherazade,...
It's not often that a top Washington tourist destination aims to reach the stone-washed masses and the discerning, over-educated locals, but Ford's Theatre strives undaunted....
Of Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, the illustrious Dr. Johnson wrote: “To remark the folly of the fiction, the absurdity of the conduct, the confusion of the names...
In the early '90s, Suzanne Westenhoefer made the rounds of that era's spate of daytime talk shows -- hosted by the likes of Sally Jesse...
Is Sarah Palin the Antichrist? “That’s to be interpreted by the ,” says Gross National Product’s John Simmons, referring to his theater company’s latest comedy...
Being credited as a seminal contemporary American play doesn’t make Eugene O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon easy to watch. In fact, the best approach to this...
With Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet, playwright Tarell Alvin McCraney returns Studio Theatre audiences to San Pere, La., a housing project that sits somewhere...
While it's not necessarily the answer you expect, Florence Lacey makes a little bit of madness sound kind of relaxing. At least, that is, when...
From H Street to Columbia Heights to that new vast temple to the drama gods on the waterfront, D.C.'s theater scene is bright and varied...
''You don't hear as many legitimate conversations about foreign policy in Chicago as you do ,'' says Brooke Breit of Chicago's Second City. You...
Next June, Doug Peck will get married in his hometown of Chicago. ”It’s not legal yet but we’re doing it anyway,” he says. The...