Metro Weekly


  • Oedipal Rush

    Flowing with the rhythm and energy of well-tuned invective, Luis Alfaro's Oedipus el Rey brings an urban vibe to Sophocles' ancient and tragic tale of...

  • Spoofing Hollywood

    This weekend and next, Clay Comer plays a gay porn star at the DC Arts Center. '' is 6-foot-5, a young, incredibly beautiful, incredibly...

  • Modern Approach

    Luis Alfaro got turned on to the theater when he was 15 as part of community service -- literally. ''I actually got arrested for shoplifting...

  • Solid Goldman

    Julie Goldman got turned on to standup comedy by one of her teachers at temple. ''Oh my god,'' she recalls thinking, ''I can write my...

  • Magic Carpet Ride

    Aladdin doesn't appear in Mary Zimmerman's The Arabian Nights. Neither does Sinbad the Sailor. Both fairy tales weren't originally part of the stories of Scheherazade,...

  • Deconstructions

    It's not often that a top Washington tourist destination aims to reach the stone-washed masses and the discerning, over-educated locals, but Ford's Theatre strives undaunted....

  • Fractured Fairy Tale

    Of Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, the illustrious Dr. Johnson wrote: “To remark the folly of the fiction, the absurdity of the conduct, the confusion of the names...

  • Lesbian Laughs

    In the early '90s, Suzanne Westenhoefer made the rounds of that era's spate of daytime talk shows -- hosted by the likes of Sally Jesse...

  • Baked Alaska

    Is Sarah Palin the Antichrist? “That’s to be interpreted by the ,” says Gross National Product’s John Simmons, referring to his theater company’s latest comedy...

  • Lost Horizon

    Being credited as a seminal contemporary American play doesn’t make Eugene O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon easy to watch. In fact, the best approach to this...

  • Sweet Secrets

    With Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet, playwright Tarell Alvin McCraney returns Studio Theatre audiences to San Pere, La., a housing project that sits somewhere...

  • Mad About You

    While it's not necessarily the answer you expect, Florence Lacey makes a little bit of madness sound kind of relaxing. At least, that is, when...

  • The Best Stage of 2010

    From H Street to Columbia Heights to that new vast temple to the drama gods on the waterfront, D.C.'s theater scene is bright and varied...

  • Funny Ladies

    ''You don't hear as many legitimate conversations about foreign policy in Chicago as you do ,'' says Brooke Breit of Chicago's Second City. You...

  • Satirical Song

    Next June, Doug Peck will get married in his hometown of Chicago. ”It’s not legal yet but we’re doing it anyway,” he says. The...