Metro Weekly


  • Designing Woman

    Despite the bohemian trendiness of the '30s when Noel Coward wrote Design for Living, he must have known that most audiences, being typically conventional, would...

  • Big Country

    Everything about the world-premiere musical Giant at Signature Theatre is as big as the title suggests. The ''Texas-sized'' musical features an ambitiously scaled concept, a...

  • Whiz Kid

    There are the things we know, and then there are the things we don't know. And then there are the things we think we know...

  • Great Escape

    Ragtime is one of those musicals. It's big. It's opulent. It's filled with infectious songs that will remain firmly in your head for days after...

  • Rock On

    Tom Stoppard junkies may scoff, but any discussion of Studio's Rock 'N' Roll must begin with the caveat that the uninitiated may wish to either...

  • Drinking Again

    Pulling it out yet again (sometimes literally in this case), the Washington Shakespeare Company delivers a superbly in-yer-face production of Tennessee Williams' study in disheveled...

  • Hall of Fame

    It's amazing what people will post online. Leave aside the conversations people will have, loudly, on their cell phones while walking down the street or...

  • Life Before Wartime

    ''Berliner Kabarett is like a musical quilt,'' says the show's director Christopher Gallu. ''It's got all these songs that were never intended to be put...

  • Nuts

    Sometimes you should absolutely judge a book by its cover. 'One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest' The moment you take your seat for Round House...

  • South Rising

    Regardless of the geographic realities, there are times when one could be quite sure that the Mason-Dixon Line runs right through the center of our...

  • Broadway Bebe

    A few years ago, Bebe Neuwirth created an uproarious caricature of conservative firebrand Ann Coulter on Al Franken's Air America radio show. ''I think she...

  • Storyteller

    The stoop is a culture all its own. It's a city thing, somehow different than the rural or small-town front porch. It's the original social-networking...

  • Troubled Pathway

    One of the toughest lessons to teach a beginning visual artist is the understanding that every piece they create will not be a finished work...

  • God Damned

    Alas, where to begin? There are but two ways of looking at director Ethan McSweeny's interpretation of Euripides' Ion: It is either a masterpiece of...

  • Garden Party

    Let's get this out of the way right off the top. Yes, Miss Pixie's Backroom Palace is the storeroom of the fantastic Miss Pixie's ''furnishings...