Metro Weekly


  • Rebel Yell

    There was a time when the best parts of movies happened off-screen. The passionate kiss before the scene faded to black. The brilliant plan hatched...

  • Cabaret Pearl

    Pearl Bailey died 18 years ago, but her irrepressible spirit has been reincarnated in the body of Roz White -- and Washington is all the...

  • Wartime Zeroes

    You would hardly need to fall into the ''news junkie'' category to be aware of how ugly the presidential campaign has gotten. Even a recent...

  • Obstructed View

    At the risk of being an uncharitable party-pooper, it must be said that Daniel MacIvor's A Beautiful View doesn't quite cut the proverbial mustard. As...

  • Kid Rock

    Altar Boyz is an incredibly funny show. Honest to the big G.O.D. In fact, heartfelt shout out to the Big G.O.D. Dude, thanks for the...

  • Wonderful World

    There are two kinds of people in this world. The kind who click on that Gossip Girl blog posting with wild abandon despite the spoiler...

  • Bloodbath

    Contrary to what the old wives tale would want you to believe, cats do not actually have nine lives. A visit to Google quickly reveals...

  • She Males

    To borrow from Victor/Victoria, Shakespeare Theatre Company's Juliet is a man, pretending to be a woman.... Oh. Wait. That's it. No need to borrow from...

  • Flying High

    Oh, the drama. A would be king takes to a stage dressed in the pageantry of ancient Rome to greet his throngs of loyal followers....

  • Visiting Hours

    In David Mamet's play Squirrels, the character Arthur describes the act of storytelling as going ''From nothing to nothing.... 'Nothing.' Rising action. Climax. Falling action....

  • Men Uplifting

    Resurrection, Daniel Beaty's ode to the lives, hearts and souls of five African-American men and a son, is both everything you would expect it to...

  • Witty Repartee

    The trick of improvisational theater is taking a few ideas and stitching them together on the fly before an audience. Success can be measured in...

  • Torture Garden

    The first thing to note about The Catalyst Theater Company's production of George Orwell's 1984 is that it does not feel like high school. I...

  • Sticky Fingers

    Contemplation of the Post-Industrial Family surely ranks as one of the most indispensable themes of the modern playwright. What writer worth their salt can resist...

  • Teen Tunes

    As if high school wasn't hard enough. Imagine a private, Catholic boarding school where two teenage boys fall in love in that familiar ''opposites attract''...