Metro Weekly


  • Illusions of Grandeur

    This is not a Penn & Teller magic show. Instead, the Emmy-award winning Teller -- the silent partner in that world-renowned magic enterprise -- has...

  • Bathing Beaus

    Alan Ball is the celebrated writer behind Six Feet Under and American Beauty. But for local gay director Serge Seiden of the Studio Theatre, it...

  • Soul Salvation

    Who will save your soul? Long before Alaskan waif Jewel yodeled the question to her audiences, George Bernard Shaw's very non-waiflike Major Barbara was issuing...

  • Superficial Ball

    All That I Will Ever Be starts with possibly the most insipid act to be found in one of the most stereotypically superficial cities in...

  • Time Passages

    There are those days when you look up from whatever pile of paper has spread like a cup of spilled coffee across your desk only...

  • Purging Playwright

    As surreal experiences go, Martin Moran has one that's hard to beat. He's the author of The Tricky Part -- first a Lambda Literary Award-winning...

  • Funny Business

    If ever you've been torn between stand-up or improvisational comedy, comic Jennie McNulty feels your pain. ''It's not a sketch show, not just stand-up --...

  • Pure Gold

    It's hard to say what Theater J audiences will carry away with them after seeing Judy Gold perform 25 Questions for a Jewish Mother (...

  • Acts of Bravery

    Over at Woolly Mammoth, sisters are doing it for themselves. The risk-taking downtown theater company has literally packed the house with two one-woman shows. Nilaja...

  • Young Bucks

    In just a few months, Rent will take its final Broadway bows. The rock remix of Puccini's opera drove some to camp out for days...

  • Ship of Dreams

    In an age when so many writers of plays (and prose, for that matter) doom their characters to nausea-inducing sincerity or overcooked irreverence in the...

  • Sound and Fury

    There are those in the theater who will tell you that their ultimate goal is to transport the audience. They will say the greatest success...

  • Fairly Perfect

    Fair? Hardly. This Lady is fabulous. From the first note to the last, My Fair Lady, now in the Kennedy Center Opera House, is a...

  • Daredevils

    Attending a performance of the Washington Shakespeare Company feels a little like getting admitted to a very hip club. Like the hole-in-the-wall bar that always...

  • Christmas Sneer

    It's safe to say that I'm the Scrooge in any holiday gathering. (Hey, it's better than being Tiny Tim.) Christmas spirit -- limited. Holiday cheer...