Tambor has been accused of sexual harassment by two transgender actresses on the show
Heart also offers frank advice for queens with limited funds: "If you don't have money, you probably shouldn’t go"
From reading to Snatch Game to runway, this was not Drag Race's finest episode
The glamorous Blair St. Clair has a head for business and a bod for fashion
This week's episode brought shameless promoting, plentiful laughs, and a heart-stopping runway breakdown
The clock ran out for Mayhem Miller, the fifth eliminated queen on RuPaul’s Drag Race.
Vixen tried -- and failed -- to screw over the competition in a hilarious acting challenge
Dusty Ray Bottoms is glad she left RuPaul's Drag Race "with a bang"
An end of the world ball brought classic workroom fun and a lipsync for the ages
Late night host jokingly asked if Sean Hannity was a bottom for President Trump
Jacobson also teased Broad City season five and her appearance on RuPaul's Drag Race
The third eliminated queen rocked out her lip-sync and sashayed out the door
New sitcom "Silver Foxes" will follow four gay men living together in Palms Springs
An app-inspired maxi-challenge was overshadowed by Aquaria versus The Vixen and an emotional reveal
Kalorie Karbdashian-Williams gave the best of her love, but not her drag.