Bradley Cooper's remake of "A Star Is Born" is a gritty, heartfelt show-biz fable driven by the force of its two stars
Keira Knightley's latest star turn takes her to the salons of turn-of-the-century Paris
Despite a few strong performances, Keegan's Lincolnesque doesn't fully deliver, landing somewhere in the muddy middle
Cristina Costantini and Darren Foster celebrate the smart kids in their lovable documentary "Science Fair"
Calhoon brings his quirky, musical-comedy showcase Brian Calhoon's Marimba Cabaret to DC Arts Center
"Fahrenheit 11/9" takes aim at Trump, the GOP, the DNC, and everything off-kilter in post-election America
Pondering the ghosts of Jewish family past and present in Studio's "If I Forget" and Theater J's "The Pianist of Willesden Lane"
GALA's "Como Agua para Chocolate" lacks a few key ingredients, while REP's "Sweeney Todd" needed a little longer in the oven
The cheeky thriller "A Simple Favor" twists itself into knots trying desperately to outsmart the audience
Heavenly harmonies and one White-hot performance mark the high notes of Mosaic's Marie and Rosetta.
Playwright Siegmund Fuchs looks behind the closed doors of the closeted mind
Constellation opens their Epic Love season with the lovely longing of Melancholy Play: "A Contemporary Farce"
"Crazy Rich Asians" is an enjoyable rom-com with a spring in its step and money on its mind
In "The Miseducation of Cameron Post," the 21-year-old plays a lesbian teen who endures conversion therapy. The role provided Moretz the biggest teaching moment of...
The "Ballers" star on his leading role in incredible true-life tale