His mysterious identity revealed, Jake Hagood is enjoying a slow, steady march to hopeful success
Bayou Bakery's David Guas offers a "barbecue boot camp" at the Hill Center
JULY Pink Martini — The popular cocktail lounge act returns to Wolf Trap, again with NPR’s Ari Shapiro as special guest (7/10, Wolf Trap) Jason...
NPR's Ari Shapiro has found the perfect side-career as a singer with the stylish lounge group Pink Martini
You really couldn't ask for a show to be any more shtick-laden than The Producers
Soon after remodeling the Duplex Diner in 2011, then-owner Kevin Lee asked Tony Frye to design posters to put in the lightboxes above each booth....
The new owners of the 17-year-old Duplex Diner want to ensure the venue remains a gay institution
Charles Busch's edgy satire is a showcase for two local actresses
Philadelphia hosts a massive celebration to commemorate an important day in gay history
Liam Forde jumped at the chance for a role in Studio's Jumpers for Goalposts
When it’s all said and done, everyone in D.C. this weekend should have a gay ole time — and not just those who hit the many...
It might seem obvious, even ordinary now—a half-century and many such events later—but Bayard Rustin’s work in organizing the first protest of many hundreds of...
A brief history of the LGBT movement in Washington D.C.
Wilson Phillips performs at Capital Pride this Sunday
As of press time. Please note: Time windows are approximate. Performers subject to change without notice. EMCEES JERRY HOUSTON DJ Jerry Houston must be one...