Derek Brown and The National Archives toast alcohol's key role in American history
Robert Kinsler's United Social Sports focuses on building social communities through sports
Freddie Lutz celebrates 15 years of his kitschy purple paradise
Michael Lavine helps christen the area's newest concert venue
Venerated D.C. jeweler I. Gorman presents an Ultimate Wedding Ring event
A gay theater company thrives in the rapidly changing capital
Signature Theatre's new musical "Kid Victory" asks too much of its audience
The renowned local artist unveils his first solo show in years
Kate Eastwood Norris amps up the rage in Folger's "Mary Stuart"
5 highlights on tap at the Atlas Intersections Festival
Wylie Wagg's focus on top-tier, high-quality food extends to everything in the store
Jon Gann realized his true calling after seeing what was missing at film festivals everywhere
Atlas's Intersections Festival returns for more cross-cultural mixing
Sleepy Hollow is part of the Washington Ballet's 10-year American Experience project
Bernadine Mitchell turns "Bessie's Blues" into a powerhouse evening, while Round House takes a feminist point of view