Metro Weekly

All posts by Doug Rule

  • Boy Wonder

    “That’s got more swing than a hooker with a broken heel and a brick in her handbag.” In addition to a steady flow of swinging...

  • Stepping Out

    “I can’t think of many dance concerts that I’ve seen where it’s been two black men dancing a story that was LGBT,” says Shawn Short,...

  • Washington Wordsmith

    “People think it’s karaoke, but it’s not karaoke,” Regie Cabico says about the weekly variety show he runs at Black Fox Lounge. “You really do...

  • Hair Apparent

    ”I feel like it’s one of the greatest achievements of our career,” says Keegan Theatre’s Susan Rhea of the company’s current production of Hair. ”I...

  • Cherry’s Blossom Is Back

    ”After such a brutal winter, D.C. deserves a special weekend,” says the Cherry Fund’s James Decker. Of course, the weekend he has in mind will...

  • A Mighty Wind

    There are people -- plenty of them -- who absolutely love the maudlin 1988 chick flick blockbuster Beaches, about the platonic love of two women....

  • Ciao Bello

    For his swansong to the DC Different Drummers -- and to D.C. -- Joe Bello has put together a concert focused on dance. ''No, I...

  • New York Naughty

    ''Venues are very important. They really do make the identity of a party,'' says Mike Peyton, producer of New York's Black Party, set for Saturday,...

  • Above & Beyond

    You may know John Waters best as a wacky, beloved Baltimore filmmaker, but these days he's spending more time on the standup circuit -- which...

  • Choral Connector

    ''Bach is my favorite composer, hands down,'' Chase Maggiano says, when asked what he listens to in his spare time. But in addition to baroque...

  • Dance: Ballet, Hip Hop, Folk and Contemporary

    Dance Place will conclude its season, in which its Brookland home venue has undergone extensive renovations, by presenting performances elsewhere by many of dance's leading...

  • Classical Music

    At least two of the region's major orchestras will perform a toast to the 150th birthday of German composer Richard Strauss, while two local Bach-focused...

  • Velvet Town

    Ed Bailey can't say for certain that Thunderpuss's monster '90s-era club jams were first played publicly at D.C.'s Velvet Nation. ''I think that that's what...

  • Unromantic Comedies

    Have you ever nodded off at the theater? Do you worry that you might be particularly prone to doing just that during Shakespeare, the bard...

  • Rah-Rah for Rye Rye

    ''My show is really high-energy, a lot of dancing -- Baltimore club dancing,'' Rye Rye says. Anyone who's seen the Charm City rapper perform knows...