Last week Metro Weekly offered a roundup of many of the holiday-themed shows and events on tap this season. But there are just so many...
After a run over the summer at GALA Theatre, D.C.’s quirky Landless Theatre Company reprises for one night a concert version of Mary Shelley’s classic...
Almost a year after the official announcement of its new location in the Frank D. Reeves Municipal Center, The DC Center, the city’s LGBT community...
A two-time winner of the storytelling organization The Moth’s StorySLAM, the New York-based David Crabb offers a local presentation of his off-Broadway one-man show all...
“I love the D.C. audiences. They’re very, very warm,” Maurice Hines tells Metro Weekly. “Certain cities are not. You have to warm them up…I don’t...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and right now every arts organization and venue in the Washington area is gearing up to offer...
Of all the adjectives you could use to describe Beaches, the maudlin movie from 1988 starring Bette Midler as C.C. Bloom, it's doubtful ''inspiring'' would...
Elizabeth Taylor just couldn’t take it anymore. A staggering number of people, including many friends and fellow celebrities, were falling ill and dying at a...
Wonders never cease. Not only can the actor best known from seminal John Hughes films of the ’80s sing, but Molly Ringwald is now, improbably...
Starting tomorrow, the Lincoln Theatre is selling tickets for a pre-Valentine’s Day funk date and a spring pop fling. The Valentine treat is the Brooklyn-based...
Relatively few people ever got the chance to see Edie Beale perform cabaret. ''She was getting calls from all over the world, and she just...
''Have we really come very far in terms of acceptance?'' Actor Michael Stebbins says that's a question provoked by the play I Am My Own...
Next year, Nigel Williams turns 40. He insists the four-decade mark is causing him none of the midlife angst it does for so many. ''I...
Another Halloween has already come and gone, but a mysterious specter is still haunting the stage at the Keegan Theatre. Maybe if its full story...
It’s hard to believe, but the LGBT champion and pop icon Cyndi Lauper turned 60 this year, and her solo debut album She’s So Unusual turned 30....