Metro Weekly

All posts by Doug Rule

  • The Best Music of 2011

      Lady Gaga and Beyoncé both released new albums in 2011. But aside from some great tracks (most notably ''Americano'' and Sheibe'' from Gaga, ''Run...

  • Bon Voyage

    The revival of Anything Goes is -- pure and simple -- old-fashioned. And how could it not be? Dating from 1934, the Cole Porter escapist...

  • Modern Classic

    If Glee were to become a Broadway musical, the result would be something similar to Lysistrata Jones. Oh sure, Douglas Carter Beane's hip new musical,...

  • Sapphic Glances

    ''The two women were very public as a same-sex couple,'' says art historian Wanda M. Corn of Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas. '' they...

  • 2011 Coverboy of the Year: Tyler Coffey

    So maybe he overshared a bit. In his Coverboy profile last May, Tyler Coffey revealed the most unusual place he's had sex. ''A lifeguard station...

  • Gay Wonderland

    ''The name just kind of rolls off your tongue,'' says Joey-O with a laugh. ''It almost sounds like a cheerleader -- 'Go gay go!''' Instead...

  • A Diva DVD Christmas

    Who's your favorite pop diva? Well, as long as it's not Madonna or Robyn or Rihanna -- or, God help you, Ke$ha -- chances are,...

  • Ever Greene

    Stage and screen actress Ellen Greene has long lived with a secret. She's even written a poem about it. ''They said don't let anyone know;...

  • Holiday Hilarity

    ''Right out of high school, I wore a lot of orange spandex and spangles,'' says Michael Stebbins, laughing at the memory. The actor, who grew...

  • Law and Stagecraft

    Ken Ludwig considers practicing law the equivalent of waiting tables. ''Most actors,'' he says, ''would not want to be identified as, 'Oh, wait a second,...

  • Concert Review: Tori Amos

    Tori Amos's left hand had to know exactly what her right hand was doing at her concert at DAR Constitution Hall on Monday, Dec. 5....

  • Balladeers

    The In Series targets one performance of every production to the LGBT community, labeling it ''OUT at the In Series.'' But honestly, any performance of...

  • Heating Up the Holidays

    Years ago, in its advertising for a December party, Blowoff featured a muscle-bound, cartoon Santa. This year Blowoff's Rich Morel will do the ho-ho-ho-ing himself,...

  • Fiddling with History

    What would Julie do? Danny Scheie asks himself that periodically, referring to Julie Andrews. ''She's a good barometer. She always behaves really, really well.'' So...

  • A Carol Christmas

    ''There are more choirs here per capita than any other city,'' says Amy Stahmer, executive director of the City Choir of Washington (301-572-6865, In...