Welcome to Metro Weekly's total review and guide to the Reel Affirmations film festival for 2011. Reel Affirmations 20 runs from Thursday, Oct. 13, through...
Adam Gwon got the idea for his new musical The Boy Detective Fails from the most mysterious of places: Amazon.com. The online superstore's complicated algorithms...
Sitting on its prominent 17th Street corner, the expansive windows of JR.'s look out on a community that its helped become a little more ''out''...
Is Andy Bell over electronic music? ''Then I go insane, I'm bored of this modern town,'' Erasure's gay frontman sings on one track of the...
Almost anytime a particular scene calls for dramatic, downright scary music, Hollywood instinctively turns to the opening number, “O fortuna,” in Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana....
There's something truly troubling about Trouble in Mind. A half-century ago, Alice Childress was set to become the first African-American female playwright on Broadway. But...
''I want my child to be able to marry whoever she wants to marry when she grows up, and have the same rights as everyone...
Actress Rachel Zampelli decided it was now or never to push for a new production of Stop Kiss. ''I was looking into the mirror, wondering...
Do you remember your first kiss with a lover? The moment you let your guard down and melt into another person can be a mind-altering,...
The D.C. gay barkeep and waiters were not pleased with Tori Amos. '''What is this rock-and-roll white trash look?''' Amos recalls them asking of her...
When it comes to New York joining the marriage-equality states, B. Smith borrows a famous line from Martin Luther King Jr. ''It's like, 'Free at...
This year may spell the end of PhaseFest -- at least as it has come to be known during its first five years. Next year,...
CLARICE SMITH PERFORMING ARTS CENTER University of Maryland College Park, Md. 301-405-ARTS claricesmithcenter.umd.edu Maryland Dance Ensemble (12/2-3) 29th Annual Choreographers' Showcase -- Choreographers from the area present...
BACH SINFONIA Takoma Park/Silver Spring Performing Arts Center Silver Spring, Md. 301-362-6525 bachsinfonia.org Suoni Belli: Instrumental Wonders of the Italian Baroque -- A journey into...
9:30 CLUB 815 V St. NW 202-265-0930 930.com Atari Teenage Riot (9/17) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (9/17) Molotov (9/18) Girls (9/19) Pepper & The...