Metro Weekly

All posts by Doug Rule

  • A Capital Pride

    Mother Nature, always the wild card for D.C.'s many outdoor events, looked as though she were going to insert herself into the story of this...

  • Classic Grace

    Let's be clear: Dina Merrill is not a diva. ''She is extremely gracious and sophisticated,'' says Lynn Rossotti of Hillwood Estates. And yet, Merrill is...

  • Trail Blazer

    ''I thought that I hadn't really lived that much,'' says the 48-year-old legendary punk-rocker Bob Mould about being approached by a publisher in 2001 to...

  • Psychotic Edge

    ''After one of the performances, someone asked, 'You do this a lot?''' That's a typical response Christopher Gillespie is getting playing a woman in Dominion...

  • Madonnarama

    Here's an interesting fact: Adam Guerra has devoted so much of his life to drag and impersonating women, he only just bought his first bottle...

  • Party Monsters

    Want a little news with your nightlife at this year's Capital Pride? The headline party this year is at the Newseum on Friday, June 10,...

  • Mama's Family

    Ashland Miller and Laura Cerulli both feel like the black sheep of their respective families. ''Neither of our mothers feels that way, oddly enough,'' says...

  • Sister Spirit

    ''A lot of female emcees and rappers extra-hard and extra-serious and violent,'' says Be Steadwell, who goes by the nickname B. Steady in the...

  • Mo Show

    ''In all the years, and all the people that I've worked with,'' Missy Elliott recently told Lil' Mo, ''no one has ever done a tribute...

  • Diamonds and Glow Sticks

    Ever wanted to blurt out ''I'll have what she's having!'' as Nicole Kidman has an orgasm in Moulin Rouge? Or twirl a diamond necklace during...

  • Leather Family Picnic

    ''It started out as just a twinkle in my eye,'' Michael Sessa says. Six years later, Sessa's twinkle of an annual local Leather Pride event...

  • Pleasantries

    Does America really need another version of ''(Somewhere) Over The Rainbow?'' And another ukulele-driven version at that? After all, it was just a few years...

  • Sheik Appeal

    ''Musical theater -- it just wasn't my cup of tea,'' says Duncan Sheik. The Tony Award-winning composer of Spring Awakening performed in Oliver! and Annie...

  • Lady Blah Blah

    Which way was Lady Gaga born, exactly? Another album, chock-a-block full of songs that remind you of hits that came before, and another reason to...

  • Flights of Fancy

    The Green Bird features statues that talk, apples that sing and waters that dance. Even more unbelievable, the play humorously explores philosophical notions about love,...