''You wanted a hit, but maybe we don't do hits. I try and try, it ends up feeling kind of wrong,'' James Murphy sings matter-of-factly...
If you see more cops than usual around town this weekend, don't worry. In fact, take them out and buy them a beer. As many...
Ever wonder what the Dixie Chicks would sound like without lead singer Natalie Maines? Well, now we know: Sheryl Crow. Crow is actually nowhere to...
''As a child growing up in Missouri I would play in old, abandoned Victorian homes,'' says Mike Weber. ''I think that's where my fascination started...
How is the singer-songwriter Jon Thor ''Jónsi'' Birgisson similar to the Icelandic volcano that shut down air traffic in Europe for days on end last...
Ever hear of ninja house? ''I don't know how to put it into words,'' says Cobalt's Sean Morris. ''It sounds very different.'' The stealthy music...
Sia Furler is honored to be Christina Aguilera's ''bitch.'' Furler, who records under her first name, just wrapped up work co-writing for Aguilera, as well...
The idea that youth is wasted on the young is the fallacy of someone with a misspent youth. The reality is that youth is the...
The Next Generation Awards 2010 Some people turn to drinking and partying to cope with heartbreak. Harjant Gill turned to filmmaking. ''When I started college,...
Behind every D.C. drag queen, there's a daddy. Or at least, there's Big Daddy, promoter J.P. Gulla. This Sunday, May 2, at Omega DC, Gulla...
''Every time I go back to Greece, I miss home here,'' says Yiannis Elia, who moved to D.C. from his native Athens some 12 years...
Harvey Fierstein in Fiddler on the Roof? At first, you may hope he's playing the matriarch Golde in drag. Or better, a drag Yente, the...
Some singers were just made for each other. Take ''baritenors'' Jon Arterton and James Mack. ''We're told that when we sing in unison our voices...
Did you hear the one about Kaki King collaborating with Miley Cyrus? ''That would be hilarious,'' laughs King. ''I mean, of all people.'' In fact,...
''Oh-oh-oh, I've gotta rocket,'' Alison Goldfrapp wispily sings on the first single of Head First, her eponymous duo's fifth album. She knows just what she...