Metro Weekly

All posts by Doug Rule

  • Holiday Tunes

    Ever seen a clarinet player with raindeer ears? You just might at the D.C. Different Drummers' holiday concert this Saturday, Dec. 12. ''The tradition is...

  • Stringing Along

    ''It's hard to make a mandolin sound sad. You can play it in a minor key, but it's got a sprightly tone,'' says Catie...

  • Renaissance Man

    You may know Dylan Davis, Cobalt bartender and promoter. Or Dylan Davis, Universal Gear model. This weekend, you can see another side to the popular...

  • Musical Monstrosities

    ''Yeah, you make me wanna listen to music again,'' Adam Lambert sings at the top of his debut, For Your Entertainment. The album is as...

  • A New Agenda

    Birthed with the gay rights movement after Stonewall, the Washington Blade was 40 years strong just a week ago. Older than some of its readers,...

  • Leather and Levi Libations

    ''We're going to try and do our best to make sure there is always an Eagle ,'' says Bill Cappello, owner of the DC...

  • Gift of Gab

    ''Tonight I'm recording – ahem – a holiday CD,'' Kathy Griffin says at the top of her new recorded set, Suckin' It For The Holidays....

  • Married With Porn

    ''My mom is my biggest fan,'' says porn star Brent Everett. He is only slightly exaggerating. ''My mom and dad were actually the first two...

  • Punk Doll

    Amanda Palmer is nothing if not unpredictable. Amanda Palmer ''I like mixing up music and lyrics in ways that are confusing to compel the listener,''...

  • Ol' Blue Eyes

    ''She's the one who really encouraged us to get married,'' says singer-pianist Michael Feinstein, referring to his ''close friend'' Judith ''Judge Judy'' Sheindlin. Judge Judy...

  • Pop Circus

    When Mika first emerged on the pop scene a couple years ago with Life In Cartoon Motion you could hear echoes of many of his...

  • Rap Riot

    You hear the one about Beyoncé at Burger King? ''She particularly liked the part where her face is moving from left to right watching the...

  • Earned Wings

    ''The sort of plays we produce,'' says Forum Theatre artistic director Michael Dove, ''are incredibly theatrical. plays that ask really big questions, that tackle...

  • Parting Glances

    Even in his final days, Michael Jackson's crotch grabs were awkward and excessive. And the man came across as a bit creepy and gangly –...

  • Eating Out: All You Can Eat

    Reel Affirmations 2009 Review by Doug Rule Rating: (1 out of 5) Friday, 10/23/2009, 9:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for the Arts ...