Ever seen a clarinet player with raindeer ears? You just might at the D.C. Different Drummers' holiday concert this Saturday, Dec. 12. ''The tradition is...
''It's hard to make a mandolin sound sad. You can play it in a minor key, but it's got a sprightly tone,'' says Catie...
You may know Dylan Davis, Cobalt bartender and promoter. Or Dylan Davis, Universal Gear model. This weekend, you can see another side to the popular...
''Yeah, you make me wanna listen to music again,'' Adam Lambert sings at the top of his debut, For Your Entertainment. The album is as...
Birthed with the gay rights movement after Stonewall, the Washington Blade was 40 years strong just a week ago. Older than some of its readers,...
''We're going to try and do our best to make sure there is always an Eagle ,'' says Bill Cappello, owner of the DC...
''Tonight I'm recording – ahem – a holiday CD,'' Kathy Griffin says at the top of her new recorded set, Suckin' It For The Holidays....
''My mom is my biggest fan,'' says porn star Brent Everett. He is only slightly exaggerating. ''My mom and dad were actually the first two...
Amanda Palmer is nothing if not unpredictable. Amanda Palmer ''I like mixing up music and lyrics in ways that are confusing to compel the listener,''...
''She's the one who really encouraged us to get married,'' says singer-pianist Michael Feinstein, referring to his ''close friend'' Judith ''Judge Judy'' Sheindlin. Judge Judy...
When Mika first emerged on the pop scene a couple years ago with Life In Cartoon Motion you could hear echoes of many of his...
You hear the one about Beyoncé at Burger King? ''She particularly liked the part where her face is moving from left to right watching the...
''The sort of plays we produce,'' says Forum Theatre artistic director Michael Dove, ''are incredibly theatrical. plays that ask really big questions, that tackle...
Even in his final days, Michael Jackson's crotch grabs were awkward and excessive. And the man came across as a bit creepy and gangly –...
Reel Affirmations 2009 Review by Doug Rule Rating: (1 out of 5) Friday, 10/23/2009, 9:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for the Arts ...