Metro Weekly

All posts by Doug Rule

  • Drag King Extravaganza

    Reel Affirmations 2009 Review by Doug Rule Rating: (3 out of 5) Wednesday, 10/21/2009, 5:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for the Arts ...

  • Causing Commotion

    Last July, adult film star Arpad Miklos appeared at Cobalt to sign DVDs and mingle with his fans. Cobalt’s Pandemonium (Photo by Ward Morrison) ''He...

  • Best of the Fest

    Reel Affirmations 2009 Review by Doug Rule Rating: (4 out of 5) Monday, 10/19/2009, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for...

  • To Each Her Own

    Reel Affirmations 2009 Review by Doug Rule Rating: (4 out of 5) Sunday, 10/18/2009, 5:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Flashpoint "I TOLD YOU not...

  • Amancio: Two Faces on a Tombstone

    Reel Affirmations 2009 Review by Doug Rule Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/17/2009, 5:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at IN AN ECHO...

  • Reel Affirmations 19 (2009)

       Thursday, 10/15/2009 7:00 pm An Englishman in New

  • Go Wess

    Wesley Marguerat spins as DJ Wess both Fridays and Saturdays at Town. But each night the music differs -- and not simply because he's upstairs...

  • Weekend Warriors

    It was the inverse of the ''perfect storm.'' Rather than forces of nature converging for maximum destruction, elements of society were converging for maximum exposure...

  • Seriously Sweet

    The folk-pop trio Girlyman is serious about living up to its name – in being sweet and sensitive, even a little silly. But these two...

  • Here's to Equality

    ''If it's anything like , I don't know what I'll do,'' says David Perruzza, manager of JR.'s, when asked how many gay rights...

  • Leading Man

    ''I love the play. I love what it says. I love the fact that it's sort-of perfectly tied into what's going on in my personal...

  • Love Hangover

    Have you ever been in love, really in love – but still felt unsatisfied? Like it takes too much work, when it should be effortless?...

  • Mixmasters

    ''The moment you walk in it doesn't feel like any other night you go out,'' says Shea Van Horn, about the monthly party Mixtape he...

  • Scare Tactics

    ''The philosophy behind Dorian Gray is that Dorian lives in a time when no one can be shocked, and he's trying to rebel against that,''...

  • Partying to XS

    Charles Oswald knows how to throw a party. As the bar and events manager for Club XS in York, Pa., it's a job requirement. Club...