Metro Weekly

All posts by Doug Rule

  • Birdland

    Adam Bock's Five Flights features a gay love story -- but that's just one of several subplots. ''Instead of having it be the central issue,...

  • Peter's Pride

    ''A lot of people miss the Roxy and the big-room experience,'' says Peter Rauhofer. ''We saw this as an opportunity.'' For many years, Rauhofer served...

  • Celebrating a Movement

    ''I'll never forget this moment the rest of my life,'' a beaming RuPaul shouted last Sunday from the Capital Pride main stage. With the Capitol...

  • Evita's Closet

    Did you know Eva Peron's corpse was perfectly preserved? Or that her mummy was lost for years? ''I just knew part of her story before...

  • Landmark Plays

    ''We wanted to create a very relaxed atmosphere to celebrate and learn about ourselves and our history,'' says Ganymede Arts' Jeffrey Johnson. His theater's current...

  • I [HEART] Stonewall

    ''What would it look like if everyone came together to experience a totally different quality of event?'' That's the question Vance Garrett asked himself when...

  • Crossing Over

    The band The Sounds makes music that's every bit as derivative as Lady Gaga's, and the Swedish band's ambitions seem every bit as bald as...

  • Pride's Supermodel

    ''You know, when the blistering draught scorches the earth's surface, it has to cover itself with clouds to do a repair job. And that's what...

  • Everybody Dance Now

    Martha Wash credits much of her lingering gay popularity to Sylvester, the flamboyant gay disco legend. ''You've got the fans who are, say, chronologically advancing...

  • Queer as Folk Rock

    Folk-rocker Melissa Ferrick is enthusiastic about the prospects of gay marriage. ''I think it's awesome that it passed in Iowa, and it's great that it...

  • Here's Valerie!

    ''I feel like there's momentum now, finally in the country, toward sanity,'' says Valerie Harper. The veteran actress, this year's Capital Pride Celebrity Grand Marshall,...

  • Pride After Dark

    Every year, New York City includes in its Pride festivities a huge outdoor dance party on a pier off the Hudson River in Chelsea. Michael...

  • Dark Victory

    ''I didn't know what was happening -- I thought he was having a mid-life crisis or something,'' says composer Michael Shaieb of a close friend...

  • New Heights

    Have you made Ciara's acquaintance yet? No doubt you've heard of her. After all, the Atlanta-based singer-songwriter -- born Ciara Princess Harris -- is a...

  • Pageantry of Pride

    Two years ago, a drag king was crowned Mr. Capital Pride, and drag queens generally reign as Miss Capital Pride. But either contest ''is certainly...