Metro Weekly

All posts by Doug Rule

  • High Jinx

    ''It's about being wacky and theatrical and bizarre, coming up with really irreverent, potty-mouth humor,'' says Shea Van Horn, referring to his preferred style of...

  • Soundwaves

    Charmed city... At least two gay club tours traveling around the country will stop at Baltimore's Hippo nightclub. First up: DJ Seth Gold's Black Out...

  • Hear 'Em Roar

    ''Come out and dance with us. Come out and dance with Men,'' JD Samson says, a bit playfully. Samson, a lesbian, is definitely not a...

  • Looney Tunes

    He may sing ''I've gone identity mad!'' on his debut album's opening tune and single, ''Grace Kelly,'' but Mika doesn't actually sound as confused about...

  • Retro Fit

    Don't ask him to explain it. Jason Royce just knows it's for real. ''They all know Rick Astley, and they all know Donna Summer,'' says...

  • Suddenly Susan

    When DJ Susan Morabito plays Apex next Friday, March 30, you won't hear a certain diva on an endless loop shout ''Throw your hands up...

  • Femme Virtuosos

    Lucinda Williams put her faith in a lover who ''looked right into my eyes, said I'm not like the other guys.'' But her lover lied...

  • Harmonic Convergence

    You might be a girly man if... you spent a recent morning at work listening to the Dixie Chicks. ''We were just listening to them...

  • Soundwaves

    EVOLVE-ING INTO IRRELEVANCE... Victor Calderone waxes nostalgic about clubbing days past on his just-released compilation, Evolve. ''When I look back into the days, the better...

  • Tainted Infamy

    All Karl Jones asks for is a little dance music diversity. ''When I first moved to D.C. six years ago, there really was nothing,'' he...

  • Modern Makeovers

    Erin McKeown's latest album launches a bit ominously, with her shouting, ''Hallelujah, all you sinners gather round...just follow me.'' It becomes easy enough to do,...

  • Musical Flexibility

    ''Movin' Up'' may have a religious provenance with its powerful chorus delivered by a church-reared belter, but God had nothing to do with DJ Mike...

  • Grand Ole Boys

    If the Dixie Chicks can't get time on country radio these days, then there's no hope for Erasure. But if the Dixie Chicks can sweep...

  • Mixing It Up

    While it may have been a simple and ''silly'' thing when he made a short video to audition as DJ for the daytime talker Ellen,...

  • Funny Valentine

    Sure, you could reserve a candlelit table at one of D.C.'s finest restaurants, or prepare your own seductively sumptuous feast at home next Wednesday. But...