AFTERSHOCKS OF JANET'S JIGGLE… Where's Mary? As in Mary Cheney, the lesbian Second Daughter. That's the question all good gay citizens should be asking, of...
THE HALL OF FAME DANCE… The battle of disco divadom seems to be breaking out all over again. This time the question seems to be...
Melissa Etheridge sings about her rapturous love for her new wife on Lucky, and on the album's best track exposes characteristic vulnerability as she asks...
NASTY GIRL FUMBLE… Oh, Janet. You despicable, deplorable, lowlife you, how you defamed our pop culture by almost but not really baring your nipple. On...
QUEER “CULTURE” GUY SINGS... We never knew Jai Rodriguez had it in him. Oh sure, he's the Culture Guy, but yogurt has more active culture...
Tribal Pleasures AY, GAY TRIBAL PAPIS… The publicist sent out what was in effect an all-points bulletin: “Both Angel C and T-Pro are gay and...
You might expect the incoming president of the Centaur Motorcycle Club to have a closet full of leather uniforms and accoutrements. Truth is, Glenn Mlaker...
Photography by Todd Franson When Jean-Philippe Aviance lined up his first DJ gig at Lizard Lounge, a friend remarked, ''Oh, I can't go there. It's...
BETWEEN HIP-HOP AND COLDPLAY… Hip-hop has dominated the pop charts for years now, but until just recently it existed mostly in a vacuum, where only...
POP QUIZ… In 2003, sunlight began to shine on the beleaguered music industry, the brightest light emitting from Apple's iTunes. The legal, pay-per-download music service...
No single was bigger -- or better -- in 2003 than Beyonce's ''Crazy in Love. '' But creating an appealing album is far more challenging...
Photography by Jeff Code Yasir Bashir wants to thank everyone who voted for him. Really. Being selected as a Coverboy of the Year finalist has...
Dance Segregation… Does dance music, like the weather, change based on where you are? Does dance music in Miami Beach sound different than that in...
Advertisement Bitch and Animal GLAAD GRAMMYS… There are 105 categories in the just-announced 46th Annual Grammy Awards, and there's still not one specifically honoring Gay...
Nelly Furtado's second album, Folklore, doesn't match the achievement of her first album, Whoa Nelly! The reason boils down to Furtado's abandonment of an appealing...