Enjoy an Emmylou Harris livestream or the Birchmere's November offerings in our editor-selected picks
Explore Jane Franklin Dance's "Hidden Talents" or hire a theater for a private screening in our editor-selected picks
With a new two-hour "Dragula" special, the decidedly offbeat Boulet Brothers offer a pandemic-spurred Halloween treat
Enjoy bottomless cocktails on K Street or order a delicious "Slice of Life" with this week's dining picks
Take safe cooking classes or enjoy a $19.69 Bob & Edith's special with this week's dining picks
From a spooky drive-thru drama to a Rufus Wainwright livestream, here are our editor-selected picks for your week
Daniel Nolasco's "Dry Wind" is as visually stunning as it is erotically charged
Matt Fifer's quietly powerful film boasts sharp writing and sizzling chemistry
Olivia Peace offers a tepid feature-length film debut
David Amoroso adds multi-sensory experiences to his latest exhibit
From GMCW's celebration of Sondheim to Strathmore's luminous Monuments, here are our picks for your week.
Glamp it up at the riverfront or enjoy gourmet food hall fare with this week's dining picks
DJ Matt Bailer is keeping his monthly dance parties alive through innovative virtual means
From an LGBTQ awards show to escaping down Woolly Mammoth's rabbit hole, here are our editor-selected picks for your week
The Athenaeum presents an online-only exhibition featuring area artists