NYPD hate crime detectives are searching for the man who pulled a knife and yelled an anti-gay slur at a man who bumped into him...
Liliana Bakhtiari is the first out LGBTQ Muslim and first nonbinary person elected to the Atlanta City Council.
Hungary will hold a referendum on LGBTQ content in media and in schools, which critics say is a ploy to help the government stay in...
On Wednesday, to coincide with World AIDS Day, President Joe Biden unveiled a new national HIV/AIDS strategy that refocuses efforts on the long-stated goal of...
4 reasons why LGBTQ people should be concerned about the Supreme Court abortion case.
Pitchers and A League of Her Own have received a $100,000 grant from NGLCC and Grubhub's post-COVID recovery grant program.
Various HIV advocates and organizations are holding educational events, vigils and testing opportunities to mark World AIDS Day on Dec. 1.
An Iowa court has ruled that a law barring Medicaid from covering transgender recipients' surgical expenses is unconstitutional.
A British man was sentenced to three years in prison for stabbing a gay man 12 times after the victim declined to perform a sex...
An Indiana appeals court ruled that a gay teacher fired for marrying his same-sex partner can sue over his termination.
A proposed bill in Utah would require transgender teens to change their birth certificates and undergo a year of hormone therapy before becoming eligible to...
Fairfax County will allow two LGBTQ books back in high school libraries after a review that found calls for their removal unfounded.
Former professional basketball star Dennis Rodman has said visiting gay and drag clubs inspired him during his 14-year-long NBA career. Rodman, who won two titles...
North Carolina's Mark Robinson says heterosexuals' ability to procreate makes their relationships "superior" to same-sex couplings.
ALOK, a nonbinary writer and performer, will deliver the keynote at the National LGBTQ Task Force's Creating Change conference.