Survey hopes to examine financial impact of Pride during celebrations prior to 2020
Measures seek to bar trans athletes from competition and deny transition-related care to minors
Separate bill also ensures LGBTQ victims of crime can receive justice
JayCee Cooper says the organization's ban on transgender competitors "violates...the very spirit of sports."
Rule builds upon past actions seeking to grant social service agencies license to discriminate
Bills would bar trans athletes from competing and prohibit trans youth from receiving care to help them transition
Jéaux Rinedahl says Seattle Pacific University has asked him to continue teaching part-time
Judge's order will prevent DHS from imposing higher burden of proof on refugees while courts hear challenge to rule
Bill would discipline Indiana therapists who subject minors to the therapy or willfully mislead clients about its effects
Dance party, held via Zoom, will be hosted by influence SolLikeSoul, with music by DJ Alex Love
David Cicilline's resolution accuses President Trump of inciting the riots at the U.S. Capitol last week
Puerto Rico Para Tod@s also criticized police for failing to identify victims as LGBTQ
Curtis Galloway shares experience to justify support for bipartisan bill banning conversion therapy
Norton says censure resolution will be easier to pass than impeachment, due to the current Senate recess
Despite the unrest that occurred on Wednesday afternoon after right-wing protesters overran the U.S. Capitol Building, congressional lawmakers ultimately certified the results of the 2020...