Proposed bill would require athletes to prove their gender identity matches the sex on their "original" birth certificates
Parents objected to the book's content after a third grader brought it in and asked a teacher to read it to the class
The woman challenging Congressman Steny Hoyer, the second-highest-ranking Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, in the 2022 Democratic primary has come out publicly as...
David Fuller pleads with lawmakers not to criminalize health care he believes saved his trans daughter's life
Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims (D-Philadelphia) has announced his intention to run for lieutenant governor of the commonwealth, a move that, if successful, would make...
John Fillmore insists bill is meant to provide "clarity in government documents" by barring gender-neutral markers on state IDs
In addition to penalizing doctors, bill would force school officials to inform parents if their child's gender-nonconformity
Just in time for International Condom Day, an unscientific poll of Metro Weekly readers finds almost 4 in 10 say they never use condoms during sex, with...
HUD promises various actions to combat anti-LGBTQ discrimination in housing.
Event is held prior to International Condom Day, which promotes condom use as the best way to prevent STIs.
Lisa Miller, defendant in high-profile same-sex custody case, fled to Nicaragua to keep her daughter away from her ex-partner
Police found a journal in which the suspect allegedly wrote of his hatred for the victims due to their sexual orientation
Schools would have to seek parental consent, and teach about "de-transitioning" when broaching issues of gender in class
Nowa Dęba becomes first municipality to no longer identify as an "LGBT-free zone" after its Irish sister city cut ties with it
Jackson Police have not determined a motive for, or named any suspects in 30-year-old Dominique Jackson's murder
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