Former Obama White House staffer will be entrusted with recruiting and vetting more than 4,000 government appointees
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has called on New York's Hate Crimes Task Force to investigate alleged bias-motivated attack
Michael Correia made comments about a Black trans activist's breasts and misgendered her in recorded conversation
Eureka Police are investigating the vandalism incident as a hate crime
A progressive Democrat, Levine would be the first LGBTQ and first Jewish person elected to statewide office in Virginia
Outgoing Republican congressman says he's weighing a bid for governor as an independent
Latest restrictions on bars and restaurants were prompted by higher number of new COVID-19 cases
Court finds Ohio's policy, which was made more restrictive in 2016, "does not pass constitutional muster"
Judge James Peterson found that prison officials' denial of surgery to Nicole Campbell violated her constitutional rights
A new initiative, "The Good Fruit Project," has been launched to educate people of faith about the harms of conversion therapy
Trans people were previously required to announce their desired name change in a local newspaper two separate times
Bill expands types of crimes that can be prosecuted, and allows D.C.'s Attorney General to seek civil damages for hate crimes
Penal code has been amended to clarify that same-sex relations don't violate prohibition on "unnatural sex"
Sign, which has since been changed, initially read: "Don't let a man in a dress rule us, Waterford."
Cardinal Carlos Aguiar says that if a person chooses to enter a civil union, it's a form of "freedom."