LGBTQ advocates question whether sheriff's decision to publicize arrests is an "election-year stunt"
Four LGBTQ mountain climbers attempt to scale Oregon's Mount Hood in Devin Fei-Fan's overlong film
Timothy Wolfer follows four transgender people in 2018's infamous "caravan" of refugees
A feel-good documentary about finding one's voice, in singing and in life
Commission is comprised of family, friends, and colleagues of Ginsburg's, as well as civil rights leaders
Democratic nominee adds that LGBTQ people should be concerned about Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation to Supreme Court
LGBTQ nonprofit is also celebrating its 10-year anniversary by revisiting the videos of its earliest contributors
Digital ads and mailers emphasize early and mail-in voting, and call for the defeat of Senate Republicans who enable Trump
NRCC ad attacking Gina Ortiz Jones "cites" an article that doesn't even mention transgender issues
Former employee also claims he was subjected to sexual harassment on the job due to his sexual orientation
Hawaii senator questions whether Supreme Court nominee's views on precedent would push her to overturn marriage equality
Myra Lebron says the Illinois Department of Employment Security refuses to recognize her legal name change
Adree Edmo obtained gender confirmation surgery in June after the high court refused to block her from receiving it
Amy Coney Barrett calls sexual orientation a "preference" during hearing, but later apologizes for it.
Aria DiMezzo has campaign signs reading "Fuck the Police" and says she'd fire deputies accused of brutality or misconduct