Bee Love becomes the 18th transgender person to be violently murdered in the United States this year
Police have released surveillance footage of a suspect and a person of interest in the case
Brees defends decision to appear in ad for "Bring Your Bible to School Day," accusing media of misrepresenting his views
Motion argues that therapists' speech should be protected from government intrusion, like any other type of free expression
4th Circuit Court of Appeals will have to decide whether Title IX prohibits anti-transgender discrimination
People point to Mississippi's anti-LGBTQ "religious freedom" statutes as opening the door to other types of discrimination
Town hall on LGBTQ issues will be the first of its kind broadcast on a major national cable news network
Jordan Costen founded the nonprofit to provide services he wished had been available during his teenage years
Johnson claims the NFL is trying to trick people into condoning non-masculine behavior
Russell is the only currently active LGBTQ male athlete in one of the four major professional sports leagues
But one of the accused students disputes the notion that straight students intended to cause conflict
Indictment alleges that Ruben Alvarado choked and beat Chynal Lindsey with his hands, a belt and another object
Witnesses claim Fred Joseph Costanza punched Lauren Jackson in the face 10 times, breaking her jaw
Ordinance updates existing ordinance to strengthen the powers of the city's Human Rights Commission
Superintendent claims there was a "miscommunication" after students were cited for alleged dress code violations