Mara Keisling has worked too hard and for too long to let Donald Trump undo the progress of transgender rights. She's fighting him every step...
The annual awards present $2,000 scholarships to six LGBTQ high school athletes
Human rights observer says rightward shift in global politics made Brunei believe it could avoid public scrutiny and criticism
Calls come after military tribunal refuses to prosecute 4 service members charged with sodomy
Former federal prosecutor defeats Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle by 48-point margin
Acceptance of an "out" candidate has increased significantly among older and younger voters since 2006
Vigil for 27-year-old Ashanti Carmon to be held at 6:30 p.m. on April 2 near Aspen and Jost streets
Celebrities urge consumers not to allow their money to be used to bolster countries that commit human rights abuses
South Bend mayor claims he raised $600,000 in the 24 hours after appearing in a CNN town-hall style event
Alleged co-conspirator has pleaded not guilty and will go to trial in September
The governor of Puerto Rico has signed an executive order banning the practice of conversion therapy on youth. Gov. Ricardo Roselló signed the order on...
Victories by four lesbians could bring number of out LGBTQ mayors of a major metropolitan city to 10
Former NBA star told a Miami radio host in 2007 that he "hated" gay people and wouldn't accept a gay teammate
Major corporations earn praise and recognition for their LGBTQ-friendly policies
Resolution calls transgender ban detrimental to national security and based on flawed medical science