Restaurant promises to institute policies to better protect transgender people from discrimination
The gay Pennsylvania lawmaker had his posting privileges revoked after sharing hate he had received
Activists celebrate two hard-won victories after more than a decade of obstruction
Several men and women have been detained in Russia’s Chechnya region on suspicion of being gay, signaling yet another renewal of efforts to purge the...
LGBTQ advocates demand "thorough" investigation into deaths and call on politicians to donate money from Ed Buck to charity
OUT Foundation's 12-city tour seeks to educate gym-goers and gym owners about the importance of inclusion
Whitman-Walker is splitting into five connected entities, to better deliver its services and to secure its long-term future.
Stonewall Yoga's classes are "inclusive of all people and all body types"
Despite complaint, district policy prohibits transgender students from using restrooms matching their gender identity
Owners of Brush and Nib Studio say Phoenix's nondiscrimination ordinance violates their First Amendment rights
Democrats in the legislature are expected to pass a similar measure banning the practice statewide
HRC-backed Democrat wins by nearly 40 points over former Republican lawmaker
All three cases raise question of whether LGBTQ people are protected by the Civil Rights Act
State lawmakers plan to push for comprehensive nondiscrimination bill in the upcoming legislative session
The public defenders assigned to Andrew Vrba's case say they're busy working on other murder cases for the next 20 months