24 Republicans helped Democrats defeat measure that would prohibit military from providing hormones and surgical costs
Refund Equality Act entitles gay and lesbian couples to receive tax refunds for years they couldn't file jointly
The Dulles Triangles offers social opportunities for LGBTQ people outside the Beltway
Why State Senator Rich Madaleno thinks he'd be the ideal choice as Maryland's next governor
At this point, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus (R-San Antonio) is the only obstacle preventing the Lone Star State from passing a North Carolina-style law...
Endorsements based on candidates' explicit support for nondiscrimination protections
Featured speakers will include Brandon Wolf, a Pulse survivor, and Chris Hurst, candidate for Virginia's House of Delegates
Alliance Defending Freedom is best known for its advocacy of anti-LGBTQ "religious liberty" laws
Washington State voters will not see a measure seeking to roll back protections for transgender individuals on the ballot this November after the group spearheading...
Rep. Vicky Hartzler seeks to prohibit military from paying for hormones or gender confirmation surgery
A Russian newspaper has published the names of 27 men who are currently unaccounted for and are thought to have been executed as part of...
"HRC Rising" will register and mobilize voters for the 2018 midterm elections
It remains unclear whether President Donald Trump brought up the topic of anti-gay abuses happening in the Russian republic of Chechnya when he met face-to-face...
New York City police are still searching for a man accused of punching a disabled man with a pro-LGBTQ sticker on his walker in the...
Fundraising page has been set up to help the victim cover her medical and living expenses