House calls on Chechen and Russian authorities, and the United States, to take steps to stop the anti-gay violence
Popular nightlife venue to be turned into apartment complex
Following his release of a statement recognizing June 27 as National HIV Testing Day, President Trump has come under fire from critics who point to...
On Tuesday, Nic Sakurai’s 6-month long push to have their non-binary gender identification reflected on their driver’s license came to an end. “I got up...
Annual report on infectious diseases shows there's still a high incidence of HIV in Wards 2, 5, 7 and 8
Almost no religious, political, or racial sub-group supports allowing business owners to turn away LGBTQ customers
AG argued against same-sex marriage ban and opined that schools can pass pro-LGBTQ nondiscrimination policies
Worry stems from concerns over possible erosion of church-state separation and right to discriminate
This year's annual MAGIC Softball Tournament is several months earlier -- and all the better for it
Court found state's birth certificate policy discriminated against same-sex couples
Case centers around whether the First Amendment allow baker's religious beliefs to override nondiscrimination law
The D.C.-area group Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders will hold its second annual “Lawyers for SMYAL” event on July 12. The event is...
Military chiefs plan to ask Defense Secretary Jim Mattis for a six-month delay before they allow transgender people to enlist in their services, reports The...
The Human Rights Campaign has released a video highlighting the important role that Planned Parenthood plays in providing culturally competent health care to the LGBTQ...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has restored a question on sexual orientation that was eliminated from a federal survey on elderly Americans...