Apparently Southern lawmakers have learned nothing from North Carolina’s failed experiment with anti-LGBT legislation. In yet another state, a lawmaker has introduced a bill that...
Statement acknowledges the State Department's past role in purging gays and lesbians from its workforce
Former congresswoman says countries should not have to deny anti-LGBT religious beliefs to receive foreign aid
A 2017 Calendar of LGBT Events in Washington, D.C.
A New Jersey transgender man is suing a Catholic hospital after it refused to perform a medically necessary hysterectomy because of objections that he was...
A defiant Dan Patrick dismisses threats of economic consequences as toothless
The genderfluid star of Mosaic Theater Company's "Charm" takes on a powerful role she was born to play.
The year ahead offers plenty of opportunities for D.C.'s LGBT community to organize, socialize and celebrate.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) has signed into law an executive order that prohibits discrimination against LGBT people by state contractors, subcontractors and state employees. Executive...
LGBT advocates and allies are calling on legislative leaders within the General Assembly from both political parties to reject a bill that seeks to restrict...
Virginia lawmakers may spend their time during the 2017 legislative session debating a “bathroom bill” that would impose North Carolina-style restrictions on public sex-specific restrooms...
Connecticut Avenue men's clothing store was known for elegant, eclectic items
In the spirit of the holiday season, Ford’s Theatre Society has announced that a donation drive during performances of this season’s “A Christmas Carol” raised...
If North Carolina were a fictional character, it would be the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, shrieking, “‘Tis but a scratch!” while its...
Danica Roem, a former journalist for the Montgomery County Sentinel and a lifelong resident of Manassas, Va., has announced she will run as a Democrat against longtime...