Democratic candidate says anti-LGBT law sends a message to some people that "you're not really wanted"
Katharine Prescott alleges Rady Children's Hospital misgendered her son after he sought treatment
Terry Brady was convicted of shooting Yaz'min Schancez to death, then burning her body
A decision in favor of the two plaintiffs could resolve the issue due to lack of opposing counsel
Gregory Angelo says Trump's done nothing to dissuade any LGBT supporters from continuing to support him
Sitora Yusufiy, Omar Mateen's first wife, speculates that her husband shot up a gay nightclub to earn his father's favor
Michelle Bachelet tells the UN she intends to send the Congress a marriage equality bill early next year
Mark Assini opposed gay marriage and called transgender people "mentally disturbed" in his blog posts
20 black LGBT leaders discuss the new African American history museum
LGBT people take over Kings Dominion for annual fundraiser/dance party Pride Night
Are hookup apps to blame for the rise in HIV and sexually-transmitted infections?
Judge Tim Philpot unleashes a barrage of comments demonstrating his opposition to same-sex marriage
Lawyers for three plaintiff couples say they're appealing the decision to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
Scott Lively hopes to capitalize on backlash against "political correctness" to institute anti-gay laws
LGBT advocates issue call for allies within the sports world to stand against homophobic abuse