D.C. gay bars boycott one of the country's oldest beers for its support of Trump/Pence ticket.
The man blamed for spreading AIDS in North America was falsely accused, new research shows
Christine Leinonen urges voting for Hillary Clinton in HRC ad
Poll tells us something we already know. But it's nice to be reassured.
Markoff's Haunted Forest and Field of Screams are two local haunted trail tours that will leave visitors with nightmares
Saturday's event celebrates Dr. Ron Simmons, who is retiring from the organization
Former United Nations Ambassador and National Security Advisor Susan Rice reiterated the Obama administration’s commitment to advancing LGBT rights at home and abroad in a...
Time Magazine has named trans teenager as one of its 30 most influential teenagers of 2016
McCrory appointee John Skvarla: HB 2 "hasn't moved the needle one iota"
Russell Amendment could allow anti-LGBT and anti-woman discrimination under guise of "religious freedom"
A former employee of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s National Golf Club in Pine Hill, N.J., is suing the club, alleging he was discriminated against because...
Raheem Kassam, one of eight candidates seeking to lead the right-wing UK Independence Party (UKIP), is being criticized for a series of foul-mouthed tweets where...
The nation’s top LGBT Republican group will be withholding its endorsement from GOP nominee Donald Trump this election cycle, choosing to instead focus on growing...
Three transgender seniors want to continue using bathrooms that match their gender identity
Boeing, Kellogg's, the NBA and MLB, and a host of LGBT groups and other allies shared their support on social media