–Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R), in a radio interview with Bangor talk radio station WVOM, in which he suggested he may not finish his term...
Legislators are considering the possibility of censure after the governor leaves offensive voicemail
Order remains in effect while 3 transgender students challenge state's HB 2 law in court
Prosecutors say Martin Blackwell was motivated by his disgust for the couple's same-sex relationship
Conservative media trying to fan controversy over video outlining policy on lodging for overnight school trips
Senators Greg Kirk and Vincent Fort will take their ongoing legislative fight in front of the public next month
Christo and Theo Menelaou are the first known gay couple to have triplets carrying both of their genes
Cher says Trump's efforts to court anti-LGBT voters conflict with his alleged support for LGBT community
Jessica Hicklin is suing the Missouri Department of Corrections over its "freeze-frame" policy
Cyd Zeigler says remarks were partially driven by "frustration" with dearth of out gay male athletes
The body of Turkish LGBT activist Hande Kader was found mutilated and burned earlier this month
But civil rights organizations note the decision isn't binding on other cases involving transgender rights
City's selection underscores economic benefits that North Carolina will lose due to its anti-LGBT HB 2 law
Some Catholics and evangelicals are distancing themselves from Graham's propensity for controversial statements
Police are investigating the attack as a possible hate crime, given what the assailant yelled at the victim