Human Rights Watch hopes radical cleric's decree will stop violence against gender-nonconforming Iraqis
New investment comes after conservatives threatened to boycott over Target's pro-trans restroom policy
Jeffrey Hurant's lawyers are working out details of the deal, without which he could spend 20 years in prison
Judge Ruth Neely refuses to solemnize same-sex marriages, comparing it to enabling an alcoholic
Former college basketball star expresses regret that no team gave him a chance to try out
Early runs and plenty of motivation help the DC Front Runners survive the sweltering heat
LGBT students talk about why GSAs matter to them -- and what schools can do to make sure they work
The martini bar is designed to appeal to both upscale and casual crowds
Florida's Department of Corrections does not allow transgender inmates to change their names or gender designation
Incident marks second time in a month that Yishai Schlissel has physically fought with his fellow inmates
Lawyers representing school board argue they're overstretched by their work on North Carolina's HB 2 case
Republicans insist they're trying to reach out to the LGBT and Latino communities
Voters ages 18 to 35 say gender identity, not sex, should determine which restroom one uses
GSA rule is yet another example of Obama administration's consistency on transgender rights
CNN commentator notes that the GOP's own party platform wouldn't pass Trump's ideological test for immigrants