Incident marks second time in a month that Yishai Schlissel has physically fought with his fellow inmates
Lawyers representing school board argue they're overstretched by their work on North Carolina's HB 2 case
Republicans insist they're trying to reach out to the LGBT and Latino communities
Voters ages 18 to 35 say gender identity, not sex, should determine which restroom one uses
GSA rule is yet another example of Obama administration's consistency on transgender rights
CNN commentator notes that the GOP's own party platform wouldn't pass Trump's ideological test for immigrants
GOP nominee blasts Clinton's foreign policy record and Clinton Foundation for taking money from anti-gay counties
"Drag Race" star shares his thoughts on politics and why he's backing Hillary Clinton
States ask for court order to stop the Obama administration from forcing schools to adopt pro-transgender policies
But the National LGBTQ Task Force accuses senator of cribbing words from a staffer to justify his inaction
Trump and Rubio addressed attendees of the event, many whom are known primarily for their anti-LGBT views
Study also finds LGB youth are at higher risk of drug use, suicidal thoughts, depression, and truancy
Voters say North Carolina's anti-LGBT law has had a negative effect on the state's economy and national reputation
Women in Their Twenties (and Thirties) hopes to counter the dwindling number of events geared toward queer women
Law requires women to prove they are infertile by having sex with a man, even if they have a doctor's diagnosis