–Actor Colton Haynes, in a new interview with OUT Magazine, talking about his father’s suicide. Haynes, who came out at age 14, was severely bullied in high...
A transgender woman is in critical condition after being stabbed multiple times on Tuesday afternoon
Aides respond to public outcry after Omar Mateen's father Seddique is spotted at a Clinton campaign rally
GOP presidential nominee expected to come out in support of allowing pastors to endorse political candidates
Roy Moore is accused of ordering probate judges to defy the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision
Lone Star State Republicans don't seem phased by any potential economic backlash from anti-LGBT bills
Comedian and host of "Real Time" worries emphasis on social issues will inspire Trump voters to turn out
Mayor Scott Silverthorne will submit letter of resignation Thursday, one week after arrest for distribution of meth
Gay Trump rages at all the celebrities who wouldn't come to his convention -- and it's incredible
Christie lashed out at the NBA for opposing HB2, North Carolina's anti-LGBT law
Scott Silverthorne is accused of using online dating site to arrange drug exchange
Rubio blames media for wrongly casting event as anti-gay, saying "It is a celebration of faith"
Buddy Dyer does not want the existing structure of Pulse nightclub to be torn down
Whether novice or veteran, the Capital Area Rainbowlers Association likely has a league for you
What you need to know about the North Carolina's anti-LGBT Senate Bill 2.