Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal took matters into his own hands on Tuesday and issued an executive order that would allow discrimination against LGBT people under the...
Voters in the tourist town of Eureka Springs, Ark., went to the polls on Tuesday to uphold an ordinance preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation...
Capital Pride will honor former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and nine other individuals or organizations who have made major contributions to the D.C.-area LGBT community...
U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and U.S. Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation on Wednesday to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity...
Proposed guidance would replace ban with 1-year deferral from last sexual encounter
The Texas Senate on Monday approved a measure protecting anyone who refuses to accommodate same-sex marriage from the threat of legal action. The bill is...
Hawaii has simplified the process by which transgender and intersex individuals may obtain a new, clean version of their birth certificate. The Hawaii Legislature last...
— Kelly Ripa, co-host of Live with Michael and Kelly, during her acceptance speech for the Excellence in Media Award at GLAAD’s annual media awards, which...
Gordon Baer’s voice cracked slightly as he addressed the packed auditorium at Luther P. Jackson Middle School in suburban Falls Church. “A hostile climate detracts...
Barnes & Noble is one of several companies facing lawsuits for allegedly discriminating against transgender people
A press conference of liberal-leaning advocacy groups was convened on Thursday by Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC). The coalition is opposing attempts by Congress to...
Whitman-Walker Health to debut new building on 14th Street
Advocates of banning the practice of conversion therapy on minors celebrated, while supporters of the therapy lamented the survival of a New Jersey ban, following a decision...
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a challenge to a New Jersey law that prohibits the practice of conversion therapy on minors. Conversion...
Two contested D.C. Council bills appear to have survived a 30-day congressional review period required of all District legislation and are slated to go into effect today, Saturday, May...