The Next Generation Awards 2015
The Next Generation Awards 2015
Tuesday’s oral arguments in the case determining whether same-sex couples have the right to marry might be a sign of things to come. Or it...
High court ponders whether states must recognize or can ban same-sex marriages
— Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R), in a statement reported by the Arizona Daily Star regarding his decision to issue an order to overturn a policy...
The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Loretta Lynch, the former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, to become the nation’s first African-American...
How outreach to LGBT youth can save lives when society fails
More than 1,000 people packed the Greater Richmond Convention Center on Saturday, April 18 for Equality Virginia’s 12th Annual Commonwealth Dinner. The evening was held...
LGBT groups stand in solidarity with their allies in the women’s and civil rights movement against congressional interference
—Gina Gleason, a proponent of a proposed ballot initiative in California known as the “Personal Privacy Protection Act” that could land on the 2016 ballot,...
— Country singer Reba McEntire, in an interview published in PrideSource, an online publication from the publishers of the Michigan-area Between the Lines, explaining why she supports marriage...
This week signified a victory for CUAllies, the unofficial LGBT campus group at The Catholic University of America. But whether the group and its allies...
Storyline has one of the original X-Men coming out
Amicus brief says same-sex marriage will degrade the institution
Two pro-LGBT measures remain in limbo after passing the Maryland General Assembly as they undergo review by Gov. Larry Hogan (R), who has not yet...