“I’ve had some people that have said those kinds of things to me during this election. and I actually have said that if you’re going...
Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) on Friday issued a bulletin to local social service divisions throughout the commonwealth that, following the legalization of same-sex marriage in...
The Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance (GLAA), the nonpartisan political organization that seeks to defend the civil rights of the District’s LGBT citizens, on Friday...
Prominent LGBT advocate sues over FDA ban on gay, bisexual men donating blood, organs.
David Catania tries to convince voters he's the best -- and most progressive -- choice in the race for mayor
The Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, the District’s largest LGBT political organization, endorsed Edward “Smitty” Smith, in his bid to become the District’s first elected attorney...
Same-sex weddings can begin Monday after 1 p.m.
The D.C. Office of Human Rights (OHR) on Monday launched the #DC19 campaign, designed to inform District residents of their rights under the city’s nondiscrimination...
Administration officials at The Catholic University of America cancelled an event hosted by the College Democrats after the university objected to a flier advertising the...
In a surprise announcement that raised eyebrows in Democratic circles, Gov. Peter Shumlin (D-Vt.), head of the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), on Wednesday issued an...
Equality Virginia, the commonwealth’s top LGBT rights organization, will host VIRGINIA TIES (Transgender Information and Empowerment Summit) on Oct. 4, a summit bringing together more...
There are fewer than two weeks left before Northern Virginia’s LGBT community will have its first opportunity to celebrate its own Pride festivities, independent of...
Councilmember David Catania (I-At-Large), Council Chairman Phil Mendelson and Independent candidate Courtney Snowden topped the list of candidates seeking high marks from the nonpartisan Gay...
Second annual read-out brings note to "controversial" books targeted by censors
LHP's David Perez talks about the importance of forging a historical heritage within a broader culture