Metropolitan Police Department Assistant Chief Peter Newsham and Capt. Edward Delgado of MPD's Special Liaison Unit, which includes the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU),...
As seasonal temperatures rise, attacks with some indication of anti-LGBT bias are also apparently increasing. A shooting at a Columbia Heights IHOP Restaurant and a...
The ongoing debate regarding distribution of fliers by the group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) to students at Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), countered...
Concerned members of the LGBT community have announced plans for a silent march and a fundraiser in the wake of two anti-gay attacks earlier this...
Plans for a gravesite memorial service for Frank Kameny, a local leader in the national gay civil rights movement who died on Oct. 11, 2011,...
Advocates of marriage equality in Maryland are touting a new poll that indicates a majority of voters — 52 percent — are supportive of the...
Without much fanfare, the City Council unanimously passed a measure Tuesday, March 6, that permits same-sex spouses who were married in the District but reside...
The U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia on March 7 filed several new charges against Kenneth Furr. Furr, the Metropolitan Police Department officer...
An out gay Asian-Pacific Islander-American brought together a coalition of voters, boosted by support from the LGBT community and labor, to beat out sitting Councilmembers...
Former Councilmember Sekou Biddle (D-At Large) and sitting Councilmember Vincent Orange (D-At Large), who replaced Biddle in an April 2011 special election, sparred over their...
Whitman-Walker Health, the local community health center specializing in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and LGBT health care, announced Monday that it is projecting an operating...
[Image: Gov. Martin O’Malley (D), flanked by Senate President Thomas V. “Mike” Miller (D-Calvert, Prince George’s counties), left, and House Speaker Michael Busch (D-Anne Arundel...
With marriage equality out of the way, transgender Marylanders are hoping there is enough goodwill — and enough time left in the 2012 legislative session...
A local organization today accused Metropolitan Police Department Chief Cathy Lanier of “abdicating” her responsibility to keep transgender people safe, but Lanier retorted that the...
If elections were solely decided by the LGBT community, some incumbent councilmembers would be serving on borrowed time. Incumbent Councilmembers Marion Barry (D-Ward 8) and...