The off-duty Metropolitan Police Department officer, Kenneth Furr, who allegedly shot two transgender women seated in a car early Friday, Aug. 26, at First and...
The trial of former Army Lt. Dan Choi for failure to obey a lawful order by a police officer was halted abruptly mid-afternoon today when...
Former Army Lt. Dan Choi, the prominent “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal advocate currently facing a charge of failure to obey an order by a...
Former Army Lt. Dan Choi took the witness stand today during the second day of his federal trial for failing to obey a lawful order...
While former Lt. Dan Choi has already spent a day in federal court for the charge of failing to obey a lawful order by a...
Local community organizations and advocacy groups are holding a rally to bring attention to an increase in violence against transgender individuals after an altercation with...
When David Lippe and his partner, Valentine Garcia, moved into their house on Seaton Street in Northwest D.C. 17 years ago, they were one of...
Northern Virginia Democratic primary voters will go to the polls on Tuesday to decide whether they will nominate Virginia Del. Adam Ebbin (D-Arlington), Virginia’s only...